Friday, January 29, 2016

Organic and Inorganic Shapes

4th Grade:
Students will learn about organic and inorganic shapes and create a lave lamp using these types of shapes.

1. Geometric shapes
  • Are circles, rectangles, squares, triangles and so on - have the clear edges one achieves when using tools to create them. 
  • Most geometric shapes are made by humans, though crystals are also considered to be geometric despite the fact that they are made in nature. 
   2. Organic shapes:
  • Are shapes with a natural look and a flowing and curving appearance. 
  • Organic shapes and forms are typically irregular or asymmetrical.  
  • Organic shapes are associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals.

Identify organic shapes in the lava of a lava lamp:
1min long:

Notan Art

Notan art
3rd Grade

Notan. Nōtan (濃淡 ?) is a Japanese design concept involving the play and placement of light and dark elements as they are placed next to the other in the composition of art and imagery.

Wayne Thiebaud Cupcakes

First grade:

First graders will make cupcakes inspired by the American painter Wayne Thiebaud (pronounced TEE-bow). He creates paintings of fun things from everyday life, such as cakes, pies, ice cream, hot dogs and gumball machines. Students learned that his art can be labeled realism because it looks real. After learning about Wayne Thiebaud, students created their own yummy artwork of a cupcake. Students cut, glued, ripped and painted paper while creating these masterpieces! First graders also had to show an understanding what a pattern is while they decorated the bottom of their cupcakes.

Information on Wayne Thiebaud:

Monday, January 4, 2016


First Grade:

Students will listen to the story The Mitten.  They will use oil pastels to draw a mitten with various lines shapes and designs.

The Mitten by Jan Brett:

The Mitten by Alvin Tressalt