Monday, September 2, 2013

First day of teaching art!

This is going to be my first year teaching elementary art!  Here is what I am going to do on the first day!

I am going to show this PowToon I made to go over art room class expectations.

I am also going to use Class Dojo to track class behaviors, so I will explain how the class can earn points for positive behaviors or have points taken away for negative behaviors.  When the class reaches ten points, they can choose a class reward such as no seating chart for a day, do a "Just Dance" activity, etc.

Next students will discuss what art is.  3rd- 5th graders will be given a sticky note and will finish the sentence, "Art is..."  They will discuss their answers with their group.  Post the sticky notes on a poster.  K-2nd graders will orally discuss what they think art is.

*2014:  This is now my second year teaching art.  This year for the first day activity we are going to do a draw a rhyme superhero since we are doing a whole schoo superhero theme this year.

Then students are going to draw a self portrait using only one color of different shades.  Portraits will be displayed in the hall.  Each group will have a different color out to use.
I found this lesson idea and picture at:

When students finish, they will have a tub on hands on activities at their table to choose from.

If time play this video:
"What is Art"

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