Sunday, September 15, 2013

OP Art and Lines Week 3

OP Art:  a form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movement by the precise use of pattern and color, or in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap. Bridget Riley and Victor Vasarely are its most famous exponents.

Here is a video that gives examples of OP art.

5th Grade:  Students will make an OP art image. (line illusions)
I found this picture at:

4th Grade:  Students will make an OP art image. (shading blobs)

3rd Grade:  Students will make an OP art image.  (hand)

2nd Grade:  Students will make an OP art image (warm and cool colors)
warm/cool colors

K and 1st:  Students will learn about different types of lines and create a rocket blasting off picture with various lines shooting out behind it.

First practice lines as students listen to "A Line is a Dot that Went For a Walk."

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